24 Jun

Been in a Car Accident? Here Are 3 Things to Do Before the Car Goes to the Auto Body Shop

Being in a car accident can be very scary. There are a lot of things to think about. When you are in a car accident, one of the things you’ll need to do is send your vehicle to the auto body shop. But there are a few things you should do before the vehicle is taken to the auto body shop.

Been in a Car Accident? Here Are 3 Things to Do Before the Car Goes to the Auto Body Shop

Take Pictures

The first thing that you want to do after you are in an accident before your car is taken away is to take pictures of what the car looks like and where the accident happened. It’s also good to note what the conditions were like.

Exchange Information

The second thing that you want to do after you are in an accident is to exchange information with the other driver. Get their insurance information, their name and number, and other important information. If you are injured, this is something that the police will get.

Be Checked

Thirdly, even if you don’t go to the hospital, it’s a good idea to be checked by paramedics if you think that you are injured. You never know what might have happened.

These are three things that you want to do after you have been in a car accident before you worry about your car going to an auto body shop for repairs or other fixes that the car mechanic might suggest. Remember that you will have a lot of things on your mind and it can be very upsetting, so you want to be prepared.