25 Sep

Do You Have a Personal Injury Law Case?

Do You Have a Personal Injury Law Case?

After you get hurt in an accident, you may wonder if you have a personal injury law case or not. You may want to develop a case to ensure you receive proper compensation for the recovery process and to ensure you hold the other party responsible for their negligence.

There are a few signs that indicate you have a personal injury law case. Some of these include the following:

  • The other party was negligent—To establish a personal injury law case, you must prove that the other party involved in the accident was careless. For example, if a driver hit you while riding your bike because they were distracted, this would be considered negligent behavior.
  • You incurred an injury because of this negligence—You must be able to show that because the other party acted negligently, you ended up with an injury. For example, if you got into a car accident, you may have ended up with a broken arm or a brain injury.
  • The injury led to harm—For a legal situation to be considered a personal injury case, the injuries you incurred must have compensatory damages. For example, if you got hurt in a car accident, you may have medical bills to pay and have missed out on wages because of spending time away from work recovering.

Depending on your situation, you may only have a certain period of time to establish a personal injury law case. Take action to establish your case as soon as possible and hold the opposing party responsible for their actions.