10 Jun

Little Known Facts About Accident Repairs: The Auto Glass Repair

want to take your car to your usual auto glass repair shop

Even with some of the impressive safety features that are around in the cars of today, there is no guarantee that you’ll never get into a car accident. In fact, over the course of the average time spent driving in one’s life, the average person will experience 3-4 car accidents. Whether an accident is minor (perhaps requiring only auto glass repair) or more serious (maybe requiring several major parts), there are things you should know.

First, most of us hate dealing with insurance companies, and the insurance companies know it. This means that they will purposely be difficult in order to get you to take the first offer they give you. You do not have to accept their offer!

Second, you can choose to cash out their offer rather than use the money to pay for repairs– the choice is up to you. Depending on the car you have or your personal situation, this might be a better option for you.

Third, keep in mind that you do not have to go to the repair shop that the insurance recommends, and you can choose to go to different shops for different services. If you need a new windshield and want to take your car to your usual auto glass repair shop and have the mechanic you always see do the rest, you have the right to do just that.

Fourth, if there were no other parties and the damage is minor, you don’t necessarily need to file a claim on your insurance. If the damage is minimal, you can choose to pay for the repairs yourself. For example, if you just need auto glass repair, it may be cheaper to pay for it yourself than to pay the deductible and have your rates increase. You’ll pay out of pocket, but it will save you money yearly on your insurance.