24 Apr

A Brief History of Awnings

Knowing where awnings came from will help you gain an appreciation

To know how far awnings have come, it is important to understand where awnings have come from. Knowing where awnings came from will help you gain an appreciation for the importance and usefulness of modern technology in making awnings as efficient as possible. Here is a short run-down of key points in history where awnings have been important.

The first known awnings were found in Ancient Syria and Egypt. These awnings were made from woven mats hung from wooden poles. This would provide a shade that could be used in a marketplace or on a home. There are many examples of awnings during the Roman Empire, and examples of awnings were even seen in the Epicurean philosopher Lucretius’ On the Nature of the Universe. They were also a prominent part of the Roman Colosseum.

Fast forward to the early 19th century, and awnings became increasingly popular as manufacturing increased. As factories and industry increased, the awning industry only became larger and more efficient. By the later 19th century, awnings were an essential part of many homes and buildings windows. Retractable awnings also were invented in this time, which was a huge convenience for owners.

The next big revolution has happened within the past few years. The invention of motorized awnings has become much more mainstream as of late and revolutionized the way homeowners look at awnings. From humble beginnings as mats on poles, awnings have come a long way. Understanding these humble beginnings will help you understand how great of an invention an awning is and will make you appreciate it more every time you retract it across your own patio.