12 Jul

4 Common Commercial HVAC Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

Commercial HVAC Maintenance

The HVAC system is one of the essential comfort appliances you have in your building, so it makes sense that you would want to do all you can to maintain it. Whether you’re a first-time commercial property owner or have been running businesses for years, it’s always helpful to know what to prioritize and what to avoid when it comes to commercial HVAC maintenance. Read on to discover some of the most common commercial HVAC maintenance mistakes and how you can avoid them.

1. Sporadic Scheduling – It’s easy to forget about your system as long as it’s working, but staying consistent with your commercial HVAC maintenance schedule will help you avoid system breakdowns. Aim to schedule maintenance twice yearly: once in the spring before the need for AC and once in the fall before you switch on your heating element.

2. Filthy Filters – Changing the filters is one of the most important parts of commercial HVAC maintenance, and this task is one you can likely do yourself. Dirty filters contribute to poor indoor air quality and lower the unit’s efficiency, causing the system to work harder and wear out faster, thereby raising your utility and repair bills.

3. Damaged Ductwork – The ducts transport air through your building, so they must be in good shape. Ignoring torn, punctured, or blocked ducts can cause inefficient heating and cooling and cause your system to work harder and wear out faster. Dirty ducts negatively impact your indoor air quality as well.

4. DIY Disasters – While there are a few commercial HVAC maintenance tasks that you can do on your own, such as changing the filters and keeping an eye out for unusual changes in the system’s efficiency, it’s always best to leave the complex work to the professionals. YouTube tutorials are not a substitute for proper training, so rather than risk causing more problems that you fix, turn the more complex commercial HVAC maintenance over to the pros.