10 May

3 Tips to Try Before Calling a Residential Heating Repair Professional

3 Tips to Try Before Calling a Residential Heating Repair Professional

If you feel that your home isn’t warm when you have the heat on, you may feel it’s time to call a residential heating repair professional. But there are a few things that you can do yourself to check how your heater is working. Below are three steps to take before calling the residential heating repair professional that you can use to troubleshoot your heater.

1. Replace the Filters
One of the things that you should do is to make sure that you’re replacing your filters. Otherwise, your heater may not be working the way that it should, and it may need repairs a lot more quickly.

2. Check the Thermostat
Before you call your repairman, check the thermostat in your house. Set it to the temperature that you want it to be and see if your heater is adjusting accordingly. If this doesn’t work, you might have a broken thermostat, or it might need new batteries.

3. Check the Vents
Along with checking the filter, you want to make sure that you are checking your vents. If they haven’t been cleaned in a while, chances are that they need to be cleaned. When your vents are dirty, the heat and air conditioning can’t get through them as efficiently.

These are three things that you want to do before you call a residential heating repair professional. It might be that the problem is as simple to solve as changing out the filter or giving your thermostat new batteries.