18 Dec

2 Dangers of Not Having Regular Septic Services

2 Dangers of Not Having Regular Septic Services

If you have a septic system on your property, one of the things you know is that you need to keep up with regular septic services. But what if you don’t? What if you ignore it? The truth is that there are a couple of dangers of not having septic services check your system regularly. Below are two of the most prominent dangers that you may run into when you neglect your system.

  1. Diseases from Wastewater

One of the biggest dangers of not having your septic system taken care of regularly is the diseases that the wastewater can cause. The bacteria can cause things like gastroenteritis, cholera, and typhoid fever. It also can lead to respiratory and sinus infections, along with eye and skin irritations.

  1. Pollution of Groundwater

When septic systems fail, they often release untreated sewage and wastewater down into the ground and the environment. This can go into other types of water systems. This pollution also can contaminate food and cause illnesses in animals and people.

In addition, phosphates and nitrates that are often found in wastewater that isn’t treated can cause unhealthy growth of algae in streams and lakes, potentially harming life underwater and disrupting the aquatic ecosystems.

These are two main dangers of neglecting your septic system and not having regular calls to septic services to check your system. If it’s been a while, you want to call your local septic company and have your system checked out to make sure that everything is running smoothly.