24 Jan

10 Habits That Hurt Water Conservation Efforts

10 Habits That Hurt Water Conservation Efforts

Are you worried about water conservation? Aside from the environmental impact, it can also cost you financially. If you are interested in water conservation, there are things that you may be doing in your home that can waste water. Below are some bad habits that can hurt water conservation and cost you a lot of money.

  1. Leaving the water running while you shave or brush your teeth. Two gallons are wasted per minute.
  2. Running your faucet to get cool water instead of keeping drinking water in your fridge.
  3. Not putting a stopper in your sink when you wash dishes.
  4. Setting your water temperature high in a spa or pool – this causes water evaporation.
  5. Running your dishwasher when it’s not full.
  6. Washing small loads of laundry. The majority of cycles take 30 to 50 gallons per load, no matter what wash level it is.
  7. Using the toilet like a trashcan and flushing things like tissues. Each flush wastes 5-7 gallons.
  8. Taking lengthy, hot showers and not using low-flow showerheads. Using one of these showerheads saves up to 600 gallons each month.
  9. Overfilling your tub when bathing small children, infants and pets. This wastes a lot of water.
  10. Using old, water-intensive appliances like outdated toilets. Just your toilet will use as much as 1/3 of the daily water in the home. If your toilet was installed prior to 1993, it uses around 2 gallons more per flush than the newer ones.

If you are concerned about water conservation, think about this list and the things that you may be doing on it. Try and change your habits so that you save money plus you help ensure there’s clean water for everyone.