17 Jan

3 Signs You May Need Commercial Automatic Door Service

it’s time to call a company that offers commercial automatic door service

When you have a business, one thing you want to do is make sure that everything is working the way it should. This includes your automatic door. Below are three signs that you should call a company that offers commercial automatic door service.

  1. Resistance

When you’re trying to close or open the door, if you’re feeling resistance it’s a good idea to call and have the door serviced. If you don’t call quickly, the problem could worsen over time. This means that your clients and customers may get frustrated and avoid coming to your business. It also can become a safety hazard.

  1. Noise

You should expect some noise when your automatic door is opening and closing. But it shouldn’t be overly annoying. If you’re noticing a lot of banging or clicking noises, the gears in your door probably something wrong with it. A noisy door needs to be checked immediately which means it’s time to call a company that offers commercial automatic door service.

  1. Uneven

If you’ve discovered that your door isn’t hanging evenly it’s important that you have it checked over quickly. If you don’t have it done quickly, it might be that you’re going to notice damage showing up on your business’s floor or the door’s condition is not the best.

Do you need commercial automatic door service? If you are noticing one of these above problems with the automatic door at your company, it’s a good idea to give a professional a call. Your door makes a good or bad impression for you customers plus it can become a safety hazard if you’re not careful. So, you want to call for commercial door service and have it checked out as soon as possible.